Benetech-led project exceeds goals and delivers 1,295 accessible ebooks to 131 students with visual impairments to improve reading skills. Suraj is eight years old and in the third standard at… read more →
There’s a global book famine afflicting people with disabilities. They lack the books they need for education, employment, and social inclusion. Billions have been spent addressing the problem over the… read more →
Tech entrepreneurs can change the world through their philanthropy. They will achieve the greatest bang for their philanthropic buck by prioritizing the better use of community-driven software and data. That… read more →
Today we welcome Jim Fruchterman, founder and CEO of Benetech. Jim is a seasoned entrepreneur, having successfully launched multiple for-profit and social enterprises. He’s also a MacArthur Fellow, a recipient… read more →
Front and Center: Our Work, Our Impact, Our Innovation Earlier this year the Benetech marketing team sat down with a diverse group of our colleagues and asked a simple question,… read more →
The hackathon model might be great for the startup scene, but it’s not well adapted for the social impact space. One reason is that hackathons work best when engineers are… read more →
United Way Bay Area and Benetech to expand access to health and human services resource data for residents in need Benetech, the leading software for social good nonprofit, today announced… read more →
Ingram Content Group’s VitalSource® and CoreSource® to incorporate the results of Benetech’s Global Certified Accessible program into their service offerings Early supporters of Global Certified Accessible include Elsevier, HarperCollins Publishers, Harvard Business… read more →
In new book, Jim Fruchterman explains how accessible ebooks help people with disabilities obtain education, employment, and social inclusion “We want the right to read the same book at the… read more →
Seven Accessibility Questions for Procurement Teams to Ask Publishers Digital content is on the rise in classrooms across the country. Much of this content comes in the form of ebooks.… read more →